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E. F. L. pembroke
photographs from here and there
another gallery that will expand as I unearth more images from the depths of my studio
Old Church Piano, MS, USA
Masks, Guatemala
Drink It All In, Mexico
Under The Volcano, Guatemala
Blues Band, Memphis
The Architecture of Sleep, Chicago
Busdriver Breaktime, Nicaragua
Running of the Waiters, Guatemala
Little Big Drinker, Honduras
Old House in IL
Sacred Tree, El Salvador
Horse-Drawn Hearse, Nicaragua
Bailing, SF, USA
Vintage Aircraft
Fruit Crates, Guatemala
"Love Me", NV USA
Old Service Station, NV USA
The Abstract in Concrete, USA
Saints and Sinners, NM USA
Shallow-Rooted Pines, UT USA
The Leaning Tree, OH USA
The Old Bomber #2, USA
Sunlight Basin, WY USA
Church of San Francisco, NM USA
The Coming Storm, CA USA
Twenty Tombs, Guatemala
Squeezable Jesuses, Mexico
Tiny Traffic Jam, Guatemala
The Angel of Death Victorious, OH, USA
Ocean Beach, SF CA USA
Dawn on the Dune Field, NM USA
Martini Temple, Chicago
Sno-White Linen Cleaning Service Van, CO USA
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